


赤裸的秘密 - 張國榮/林憶蓮

心彷彿早已離地 身邊的一切游離
不夠膽望向你 為怕你知道此刻的心理
還是推開你 去呼吸空氣

偏不知怎麼說起 方可找得到自己
為何能遇上你 能驟眼己感到沒半點距離
純屬緣份 還是如以往我再自欺

#偷偷感激你 能讓我再試這滋味
只好感激你 明日我要與你分飛千里

重唱 *,#,#




Christmas song by Ray Charles

River by Robert Downey Jr.

All I want for Christmas is you by Olivia Olson

Silent Night by Andrea Bocelli

Merry F Christmas from South Park

Surviving Christmas--almost there






Casino Royale

真的是很精采的一部電影我也是從小看007長大的,所以這位男主角我剛開始也沒辦法接受,不過就像Batman Begins的Chiristian Bale相對於第一第二集的Michael Keaton,已經是脫離以往的固定形象,走出自己的路線來,對我而言這位新龐德是Jack Bauer英國情報局版:忠誠愛國,任何犧牲在所不惜。導演很刻意的把著名主題音樂外加龐德招牌自我介紹放在最後面,很有前傳的感覺,正也是皮爾斯布洛斯南當初無法接受的劇情走向,以致談不攏重新選角的原因之一。

我也注意到這位龐德還沒發展出床單滾不停症頭,連片頭的裸女畫面都不見了,還破天荒動了真感情,真是有史以來第一個想讓人把他帶回家見父母的龐德。我最喜歡的幾幕包括:他心臟停止後獲救甦醒見到女主角,第一句就問對方妳還好嗎?還有那身西裝禮服穿脫都好看,以及當然最感人的落水救愛人戲。男主角的金髮碧眼外表已經不是我心動的型,我大概會像24一樣比較愛Jack Bauer而非Kiefer Sutherland。



今天跟老公起了個大早,兩人都很開心早上不用趕著上班,於是到最近開始在週末供應自助早餐的Ryan's Steakhouse大快朵頤,他們的菜色真是目不暇給,我吃了煎豬排、洋蔥青椒炒蛋、馬鈴薯塊煎培根、香腸、還有藍莓馬芬、外加柳橙汁,吃飽了很開心的在回家的路上買了兩杯摩卡加鮮奶油,陰柔卻不寒冷的天氣,讓我們感嘆如果能像今天暫時停止一樣有個不斷重複的土撥鼠日,一定會選今天!回到家後上MSN跟朋友聊天,發現好久不見的小千今天上來了,然後麻吉Joyce跟我說了訂婚的好消息,真是連上網都帶來好運氣!下午玩了一下線上遊戲,然後看了一些影集,老公提議帶乳豬出去散步,於是我們三個沿著草坪看著落葉,一路逛到教堂又返回,算是消耗了一些早餐的熱量。今天晚餐將是烤牛排、雞胸肉、烘培薯條還有蔬菜,然後又有心愛的影集Dexter,真希望每天都能這樣過喔。


看似不可思議,但近來在日本十分流行,而且被測者都發現能找到準確而奇妙的答案,不信 ?!玩過就知。

玩法:請從你出生年、月、日中,找出不同的數位。例如: 1978年 12月 9 日,就有 (2個 1)(1 個2)(1 個 7)(1個 8)和 (2 個9) ,然後請參閱下文,就會知道你的感情表達能力、思維能力、失戀治療能力等內在玄妙了。

解釋 :


(1個 1):你屬於固執而不懂表達感情的人,故經常暗戀人。由於你都算理智,甚少被情所傷。
(2個 1):你善於表達感情,面對心儀對象,往往能大膽示愛。由於你喜怒形於色,戀愛過程亦見順利。
(3個 1):你不易透露心底秘密,往往經過深思熟慮,才會將事情告知他人,所以做你的情人要有十足耐性。
(4個 1):你十分敏感,情緒起伏不定,毫不掩飾自己的喜怒哀樂,容易意志消沉,需要情人不時地鼓勵。
(5個 1):你極度情緒化,容易傷害別人,作為你的情人,一定要對你耐心關懷,才能彼此溝通無阻。


(1 個 2):你懂得顧及別人的感受,善於洞悉別人的想法,是一個可靠的朋友 !
(2 個 2):你善解人意,樂於助人,愛付出。對於異性來說,你的細心體貼甚具吸引力。
(3 個 2或以上 ):你的直覺一般,幸好反應能力強。你喜歡多姿多彩的生活,對神秘的愛情也心嚮往之。


(1 個 3) :超強的想像力令你能散發獨特的魅力,而你同時嚮往浪漫而甜蜜的戀愛。
(2 個 3) :言行常超出常規,常胡思亂想。與愛侶相處時,經常雲遊太虛,令對方覺得無趣。
(3 個 3 或以上 ) :你智商很高,思維清晰,無法忍受單調的生活,若沒機會發揮才能,會變得精神緊張。


(1個 4):熱情澎湃,言出必行,自信十足,你會大膽表露內心感情,性欲亦旺盛。
(2個 4或以上 ):做人缺乏自信心,對於愛侶忠心耿耿。不會有越軌的念頭,亦期望另一半對你專心不二。


(1 個 5):思想單純,即使情人見異思遷,你亦不會放棄,希望有守得雲開見月明的一日。
(2 個 5):你的意志並不堅定,容易半途而廢,往往事倍功半,想好好發揮才能,最好將精力放在創意活動上。
(3 個 5或以上 ):內心有著無法克制的熱情,做事衝動,決不會改變自己決定的事情,還要另一半聽你指示 ...


(1 個 6) :你天性敏感,喜歡被別人欣賞,只有這樣,你才能感受到自己存在的價值。
(2 個 6) :你多愁善感,缺乏自信,伴侶對你的愛護,是你發揮才能的推動力。
(3 個 6 或以上 ) :你有絕對的自信心,為了令自己與眾不同,永遠全力以赴,喜歡出風頭。


(1個 7):談戀愛時,你會為對方周全考慮,失戀治療能力亦強,對人歡笑,背人垂淚。
(2個 7):由於你每次戀愛都很投入,故失戀時,往往傷得很深,需要向別人傾訴,才能解開鬱結。
(3個 7或以上 ):你不易愛上人,但一旦戀愛,會是十分專情的情人。如果被拋棄,你會對曾經的一切念念不忘。


(1 個 8):你智力一般,但邏輯性強,做事喜歡循序漸進,不喜歡預期以外的變化。
(2 個 8或以上 ):你聰明獨立,表達能力強,有決斷能力,有領導才華,做事往往得心應手。


(1 個 9) :你嘗試理解別人對感情的渴求,然後儘量配合。
(2 個 9 或以上 ) :無論智力或精力,你都非常旺盛,但缺點是經常沉醉於自己的想法中,令情人覺得你難以捉摸







Vegas Trip 2006

兩個月前一時興起接受好友Jennifer之約同遊Las Vegas,讓我在緊張的工作壓力之餘還有個寄望,老公也體貼配合經費,算是我遲來的生日慶祝。因為是直飛所以我沒有長途旅行的壓力,行李也都是出發前一晚才開始準備,簡單的必備用品放在大大的行李箱,期待此行的收穫可以在回程塞得滿滿的回來。

9月17號星期天我們一下了飛機,接機的二哥就帶我們去了中國城,餐廳一進門伙計就問「食煙唔食煙呀」,真是不用越太平洋飛行也有家鄉味,幾道梅干扣肉、叉燒/油雞雙拼、炒豆苗外加炒龍蝦,加上附近天仁茗茶專賣店的道地珍珠奶茶,實在讓我大快朵頤。吃飽喝足之後我們十足觀光客精神,馬上往最大景點Strip報到,我們從最新的Wynn開始逛,一路走到Strip最南端Mandalay Bay,金黃色的Mandalay Bay就像是海市蜃樓,,一路看過去似乎不遠,可是感覺怎麼走都走不到,我們中間還逛了名聞遐邇的可口樂專賣店以及M&M's巧克力專賣店,童心未泯的我們真是流連忘返,算是逛得最仔細的兩家店。三個多小時後我們在逛完金字塔賭城後,終於到了我的Vegas聖地Mandalay Bay,對這裡情有獨鍾的關係無他:我最愛的Josh Duhamel主演的賭城影集Las Vegas外景地在此,連攝影棚都是全景比照,所以我親身走在諾大的賭場、熱鬧的表演場地還有一間又一間的餐廳酒吧,就想到影集裡Danny跟Mike智擒詐賭客、Mary,Sam亮麗的身影穿梭賓客、以及嬌嬌女Delinda熱心經營的高級餐廳酒吧。很可惜這次來沒有遇到他們出外景,不然一定賴著不走了!當晚我們不知不覺下也逛了四英哩之遙,也算是見識了在電視上百看不厭的美麗Strip。

第二天我們殺去此行真正重點:Las Vegas Premium Outlet,一百二十餘間名牌商店讓我們看得眼花撩亂,更令人驚喜的是我最死忠的幾個品牌都有設店,像是Disney、Clark's還有Maidenform等,我最驚喜的收穫已寫在下一篇文章,Jennifer更以45元低價買了一件原價300的Kenneth Cole套裝外套,兩個人真是度過了愉快的一天。

第三天我們隨阿姨去了幾處物美價廉的商店,晚上又去Strip從Tresure Island一路逛到Ceasar Palace,雖然我很倒楣的錯過了Bellagio的火山爆發、Mirage的白老虎展示、音樂噴泉、還有Tresure Island的海盜秀,我更開心的是見識到了Celine Dion在Caesar Palace的皇后排場,還有精品街裡門口有一隻大木馬的兒童商店裡的好吃酸口味小熊軟糖。




去賭城Premium Outlet剛好看見這兩雙零碼鞋,不但是我最愛的品牌Clark's的副牌Indigo,原價80-90的竟然兩雙只要30,藍色的那雙我買了馬上換上,在星巴克排隊的時候已經有兩個人稱讚這雙美麗的鞋子呢!


Miss you River

River Phoenix如果還在世,上個月23號他就36歲了。忍不住想-如果他還在,有哪些電影的男主角會是他?他會不會也當起導演?這支MV是由river4ever所製作,歌曲是coldplay的The Scientist

Miss you River.



已經很久沒有跟大家update我們的寵物店恩怨了,希望大家還有還有興趣,.哈哈。現在這個攪屎棍是我的直屬上司,從day 1就很機車,她算是元老,從開店就在作.第一任老闆很看重她,有計畫升她做副店長,後來改朝換代,她也漸漸失寵,可是那臭架子還在,到現在都還是原來職位,算中階主管。她的毛病就是沒有彈性,沒有組織能力,沒有人際關係技巧,沒有common sense,我幫她收尾也收了整整六年。老闆大概是兩害取其輕,有總比沒有好,因為這個職位說真的很難做,.即使她並不勝任,也在擔心找不到更好人選的情況下讓他繼續可是最近她可能家裡狀況不好,她女兒21?已經生了四個小孩,她就是完全沒有病識感,都認為是老闆不會想,才不升她,甚至對另一位調過來的副店長很有敵意。她不知道她其實踩到地雷,因為那副店長可是另一家店的地下店長,呼風喚雨跟心機大戰是她的專長,所以上個禮拜她說的每一句壞話,都經由副店長一字不漏報告給正在芝加哥休假的老闆耳中。這瘋女人上禮拜完全失控,在客人之前大罵收銀員,更把我的兩個手下氣得要辭職,所以老闆傳話要我幫我手下擋,就是她有何抱怨,要先經過我,不要直接用很情緒化的表達方式來傷害他們,我當時的反應是--我的薪水不夠我兼差當其他經理的保母!然後最扯的就是,她即使排休,我也被接連而來的同事抱怨壓得喘不過氣,真的一進公司有咒怨的感覺,好幾次如果我那天有自己開車來,就會頭也不回的跳上車回家昨天老闆在跟每一個人談過之後,跟她談了一小時,經過幾次有聽到她大呼小叫,可是出來之後她像鬥敗的公雞,安靜了很久。我的同事也很明顯氣氛好了很多,竟然有笑意,反倒是我,到了快下班副店長特地問我怎麼好安靜,我大概是橡皮筋被拉得太緊太久吧,恢復不回來。這樣好痛苦喔,因為被虧待也是一種懷才不遇,我如果再受不了,也是會跟老闆說--你不讓她走,那我就走可悲的是這種事是到哪裡都有可能再度發生,所以我要跳槽也是會小心注意。哈,其實也是以錢多事少離家近為主,希望目前的壓力沒有造成太長久影響,就真的偷笑了。

Music Meme

Tagged by wanderlonely who gave me the letter "S" (Lovely letter by the way :-P)

Want to play? Comment and I'll choose a letter for you. You then find 5 songs that start with that letter and post them in your journal.

She - Elvis Costello
What can I say?This song made the opening of "Notting Hill" ,not Julia Roberts.

Sogno-Andrea Bocelli
My forever love Bocelli!he sang this song during encore in a New Jersey concert the year he lost his father,nobody in the audience left without tears in their eyes.absolutely beautiful.

Son Gli Ochi Tuoi (It's Your Eyes)--Marcelo Alvarez
My brother introduced their album to me few years back and I am hooked ever since,if you love tenors,you will LOVE this.

Somewhere in time theme-John Barry
High is going to be so jealous that I get to put this song on my list :-P
A truly classic.

Someone like you-Russell Watson and Maire Brennan
Beautiful duet,lovely voice and talent.

Bonus track(me cheats)
Somewhere only we know- Keane






This is a demonstration of the XTREMA 2 Shotgun. This video is awesome.


When we girls drink too much…

I don't go out and drink much anymore but hehe this one is great!

We have absolutely no idea where our purse is.

We believe that dancing with our arms overhead and wiggling our butt while yelling “woo-hoo!” is truly the sexiest dance move ever.

In our last trip to pee, we realise that we now look nothing like the goddess we were just four hours ago.

We start crying and telling everyone we see that we love them soooooo much.

We get extremely excited and jump up and down every time a new song plays because “I loooooove this song!”

We’ve found a deeper/ spiritual side to the geek sitting next to us.

We’ve suddenly taken up smoking and become really good at it.

We think we are in bed, but our pillow feels strangely like the kitchen floor (or the mop?)

We fail to notice that the toilet lid’s down when we sit on it.

We take our shoes off because we believe it’s their fault that we’re having problems walking straight.

Thank you Jen for sharing (miss you homefry!)


Very Hot >.<

My friend Denise took this picture in her car 2 weeks ago,it's just so hot that I miss winter so much!

The Dress

Best joke I ever heard for a long while :-P
The Dress

Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement--not even her parents' nasty divorce.

Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever!

A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new young wife had bought the exact same dress as her mother's!

Jennifer asked the new wife to exchange it, but she refused." Absolutely not." I look like a million bucks in this dress, and I'm wearing it," she replied.

Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, "Never mind sweetheart. I'll get another dress. After all, it's your special day."

A few days later, they went shopping and did find another gorgeous dress. When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, aren't you going to return the other dress?

You really don't have another occasion where you could wear it." Her mother just smiled and replied, "Of course I do, dear.

I'm wearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding!"

(Thanks Carol for sharing)


I've seen 119

Supposedly if you've seen over 105 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 176 movies on this list. Put your score in header and repost.

( ) Rocky Horror Picture Show
() Grease
(X) Pirates of the Caribbean
( ) Boondock Saints
( X) Fight Club
(X) Starsky and Hutch
(X) Neverending Story
(X) Blazing Saddles
(X) Airplane!
Total: 6

(X) The Princess Bride
( X) AnchorMan
( X) Napoleon Dynamite
(X) Labyrinth
(X ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( X) White Noise
( X) White Oleander
( X) Anger Management
() 50 First Dates
(X) The Princess Diaries
() The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total: 9

(X) Scream
(X) Scream 2
(X) Scream 3
( X) Scary Movie
( X) Scary Movie 2
(X) Scary Movie 3
( ) Scary Movie 4
(X) American Pie
(X) American Pie 2
(X) American Wedding
( ) American Pie Band Camp

(X) Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
(X) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
(X) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
(X) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
( X) Resident Evil I
(X ) Resident Evil 2
(X) The Wedding Singer
(X) Little Black Book
(X) The Village
( ) Lilo & Stitch

(X) Finding Nemo
() Finding Neverland
(X) Signs
() The Grinch
(X) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) White Chicks
( X) Butterfly Effect
(X) 13 Going on 30
(X) I, Robot
( ) Robots
Total: 6

(X) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
(X) Universal Soldier
() Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(X ) Along Came Polly
(X) Deep Impact
( ) KingPin
(X) Never Been Kissed
(X) Meet The Parents
( X) Meet the Fockers
( X) Eight Crazy Nights
( ) Joe Dirt
Total: 8

( ) A Cinderella Story
(X) The Terminal
( ) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Passport to Paris
(X) Dumb & Dumber
( ) Dumber & Dumberer
(X) Final Destination
(X ) Final Destination 2
( ) Final Destination 3
() Halloween
( X) The Ring
(X ) The Ring 2
( ) Surviving X-MAS
( ) Flubber
Total: 6

(X) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(X) Practical Magic
(X ) Chicago
(X ) Ghost Ship
( X) From Hell
(X) Hellboy
(X ) Secret Window
( ) I Am Sam
(X) The Whole Nine Yards
Total: 8

(X) The Day After Tomorrow
(X ) Child's Play
( ) Seed of Chucky
(X ) Bride of Chucky
(X) Ten Things I Hate About You
(X) Just Married
(X ) Gothika
(X ) Nightmare on Elm Street
(X ) Sixteen Candles
( ) Remember the Titans
( ) Coach Carter
(X ) The Grudge
(X) The Mask
( ) Son Of The Mask
Total: 10

(X) Bad Boys 2
(X ) Joy Ride
( ) Lucky Number Sleven
(X) Ocean's Eleven
(X) Ocean's Twelve
(X ) Identity
( ) Lone Star
(X) Bedazzled
(X) Predator I
( X) Predator II
(X ) The Fog
(X) Ice Age
( ) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

(X) Independence Day
( ) Cujo
( ) A Bronx Tale
(X ) Darkness Falls
( ) Christine
(X) ET
( ) Children of the Corn
( ) My Boss' Daughter
(X) Maid in Manhattan
(X ) Frailty
(X) War of the Worlds
(X) Rush Hour
(X) Rush Hour 2
Total: 8

( ) Best Bet
(X) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(X) She's All That
( ) Calendar Girls
( ) Sideways
(X) Mars Attacks
(X) Event Horizon
() Ever After
(X) Forrest Gump
(X ) Big Trouble in Little China
(X) The Terminator
(X) T2
(X) Terminator 3
Total: 9

(X) X-Men
(X) X2
(X) X3
(X) Spider-Man
(X) Spider-Man 2
() Sky High
(X) Jeepers Creepers
( ) Jeepers Creepers 2
() Catch Me If You Can
(X) The Others
(X) Freaky Friday
(X) Reign of Fire
(X) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) The Hot Chick
(X) Shrek
() Shrek 2
Total: 11

( ) Swimfan
(X ) Miracle
(X ) Old School
() The Notebook
( ) K-Pax
(X) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(X) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(X) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
() A Walk to Remember
(X) Boogeyman
(X ) The 40-year-old-virgin
( ) Rent
( ) Road to Perdition
(X ) Team America : World Police
(X) Passion of the Christ
Total: 9

( ) Munich
( ) The Ringer
( ) The Da Vinci Code
( ) Poseidon
() Garden State
( ) One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest
( ) The Big Lebowski
( ) Full Metal Jacket
( ) Bench Warmers
( ) Almost Famous
( ) Half Baked
( ) Super Troopers
( X) Saving Private Ryan
Total: 1

Total: 119


Superman Returns ROCKS!

We went and saw this movie Wednesday and it just blew me away!The opening sequence with that main title music playing,brought me right back to the day my dad took me to see the first one,and those letters flying,seemed to be so big because I am used seeing the reruns on my TV over the years.

Yes I am that OLD that I have seen all original four Superman movies in the theaters when they first came out,Christopher Reeves always has and always will be the one and only,but Brandon Routh did not disappoint me at all!Kate Bosworth already won my heart in "Win a date with Tad Hamilton" so I like her being Lois Lane just fine,although I also think her boyfriend would make a great one too .(just kidding Orli)

Will definitely go see it for the second time.

Love is having four friends to go see The Lake House with you for the second time

What can I say?can't wait another 12 years to see Keanu and Sandy on big screen together,so some friends and I went to The Lake House last night,it was unbelievably good,totally unexpected because it even seemed better than the first time!

Awwww how I would give my whole heart to~Keanu+Sandy.


The Lake House : Q&A Interview

Insured by Glock 19

So after few years of planning,my hubby got this awesome pistol Glock 19,it was everything I imagine to be-powerfully beautiful.

We went shooting at a indoor shooting range quite a bit and I am really enjoying it!a great way to relief the stress too,can't wait to be armed and fabulous :-P

p.s. love you Keanu,just thought this picture was cute with your face on it,NEVER will I shoot you darling.


The Lake House─只愛Keanu+Sandra

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Kate: I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible, as if no one can see me at all. I never felt that way when I lived at the Lake House. It's the one place......

還笑稱他會看到一半期待Lawrence Fishburne 跑出來找救世主空手道單挑。


Kate: One man I can never meet - him, I would like to give my whole heart to.

至於片中一些時空差距所帶給觀眾的疑問,男主角Keanu Reeves說的一段話是最好的回答:
「當我在讀劇本的時候,發現故事非常吸引我,我也能感覺到觀眾將好奇男女主角互相吸引之後會如何進展,然後漸漸不再只用理智去分析其中邏輯,而是好好的享受這段動人故事。」女主角Sandra Bullock表示當她確認Keanu Reeves首肯參演的消息後,當天她也馬上簽約加入演員陣容,她表示兩人再度合作變成媒體焦點是始料未及,畢竟讓他們大紅大紫、全球票房高達三億五千萬美金的「捍衛戰警」是十二年前的事了,這期間Sandra Bullock已經是愛情喜劇類電影代名詞,Keanu Reeves則以The Matrix駭客任務三部曲榮登影史上收入最高男星,私交匪淺的兩人這些年來相聚之際卻極少提及手頭工作之事。

"there could have been no two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved"

由於劇情安排的關係,兩人實際共同拍攝的時間只有短短兩週,倒是為了錄旁白在錄音間相處了更多,嘴饞的兩人更藉著本片戲服多為冬季厚重衣物不用擔心身材發胖,常常跑去芝加哥拍片附近的一家餐館大啖油炸食物。Sandra聊起十二年前在「捍衛戰警」試鏡的時候,很感謝當時在電影界已經闖出名氣的Keanu很有耐心的帶著還算是新人的她通過無聊又可笑的開巴士片段試鏡,Keanu則稱讚她一直都是那麼美麗大方又善解人意。這對自稱化學作用有如即溶咖啡的銀幕情侶,在The Lake House中動人的演出足以讓人帶著暖暖的微笑走出戲院。

台灣上映日期: 2006-07-21





Keanu & Sandra- Dynamic Duo(粉絲精心製作mv)

Keanu Reeves + Sandra Bullock (精采合照51張)

電影預告配樂~Somewhere only we know(Keane)

片中兩人共舞歌曲~This Never Happened Before- Paul McCartney



Him my Meag -)

my cutest puppy dog Smegaol :-)


40 Things you'd like to say out loud at work

1. "I can see your point, but I still think you're full of shit."
2. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce."
3. "How about never? Is never good for you?"
4. "I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public."
5. "I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way."
6. "I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter."
7. "I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message."
8. "I don't work here. I'm a consultant."
9. "It sounds like English, but I can't understand a damn word you're saying."
10. "Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again."
11. "I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid."
12. "You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers."
13. "I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn."
14. "I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth."
15. "I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you."
16. "Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view."
17. "The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist."
18. "Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental."
19. "What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?"
20. "I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant."
21. "It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off."
22. "Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial."
23. "And your cry-baby whiny-assed opinion would be...?"
24. "Do I look like a people person?"
25. "This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting."
26. "I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left."
27. "Sarcasm is just one more service we offer."
28. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?"
29. "Errors have been made. Others will be blamed."
30. "Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed."
31. "I'm trying to imagine you with a personality."
32. "A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door."
33. "Can I trade this job for what's behind door #1?"
34. "Too many freaks, not enough circuses."
35. "Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?"
36. "Chaos, panic, and disorder - my work here is done."
37. "How do I set a laser printer to stun?"
38. "I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted a salary."
39. "Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"
40. "Oh I get it... like humour... but different!"


Lessons of Love

Read Each One Carefully and Think About It a Second or Two

1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you..
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

4.. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart

5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around

12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Thank you for sharing Carla!


To Debby

welcome back to my life ,although you never left my thoughts :-)


Shall We Dance?


這段讓我感動好久的話出現在電影尾聲,Richard Gere在廚房裡對結漓19年妻子的真心話~
The one thing I am proudest of in my whole life, is that you were happy with me. If I couldn't...if I couldn't tell you I wasn't happy sometimes it was because I didn't want to risk hurting the one person I treasure most. I'm so sorry.

All these promises that we make and we break...why is it that you think people get married? Because we need a witness to our lives. There's a billion people on the planet, I mean what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything...the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mondane things...all of it, all the time, every day. You're saying... Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed, because I will be your witness.










全美當紅影集Prison Break迷人帥氣Wentworth "小哥" Miller

剛剛吃完晚餐決定出去走走,換上從台灣帶回來到現在才派上用場的短袖上衣,還有價格親切卻效果驚豔的長裙,蹬著小高跟鞋就出門去啦!先是帶了Cold Stone奶昔去探同事的班,然後又去書局幫老公買了本書,還有就是想找找看架上還有沒有監獄小哥Wentworth Miller為封面的那本雜誌,結果真的有喔!是改了版的TV Guide,真是心花怒放,裡面有好可愛的照片呢。結帳的時候女店員看著封面,很有興趣的一直說:我認得這個人,是在哪裡看過他呢?我說Prison Break嗎?她說她並沒有看這影集,我說那電影The Human Stain呢?她也不清楚,那我蠻確定她是從瑪莉雅凱莉的We belong together MV裡認識小哥的了,呵呵!





Yes I am in good company :-)




這場戲自然得像是被Marg邀請去她家吃飯,打翻的baked ziti可是我拿手的菜色之一呢.

Scarlett平凡中見演技.讓我對她印象更加好.若是找Linsay Lohan演.就不會是同樣的故事了吧.也喜歡阿丹那場送女兒到新宿舍的掉眼淚戲. 

Topher真是越看越可愛.他在Ocean's twelve還揶揄自己接了這部片.真是欠打.

coperate ladder爬呀爬,我有著跟阿丹一樣的無力感



Picture meme

Use the picture you like best from the first page of the search results on Google Image. (no clicking around for 44 pages)

1. The city and state of the town you grew up, no quotation marks.

2. The town where you currently reside.

3. Your name, first and last, but again, no quotes.

4. Your grandmother's name.

5. Your favorite food.

6. Your favorite drink.

7. Your favorite smell.

1.Hong Kong

Tao Yuan


3. quite fit my personality.

4. who would have thought that my nanny's one of the Mortal kombat characters?lol

5. do I have to say?hehe,from the beatiful steak animal.

6. Coke

Mocha latte

7.fresh air



Don't forget to smile!


Thank you my sweetest friends who always cheer me up and make my day.


Doggie Dictionary

A strap which attaches to your collar, enabling you to lead your mom and dad where you want him/her to go.

Dog Bed:
Any soft, clean surface, such as the white bedspread in the guest room or the newly upholstered couch in the living room.

What you do when your mom and dad have food and you don't. To do this properly, you must sit as close as you can, look sad and let the drool fall to the floor. Or better yet, on their laps.

A social custom to use when you greet other dogs. Place your nose as close as you can to the other dog's rear end and inhale deeply. Repeat several times or until your person makes you stop.

Garbage Can:
A container where mom and dad put food they don't want to test your ingenuity. You must stand on your hind legs and try to push the lid off with your nose. If you do it right you are rewarded with margarine wrappers to shred, beef bones to consume and moldy crusts of bread.

Two-wheeled exercise machines invented for dogs to control body fat. To get maximum aerobic benefit, you must hide behind a bush and dash out, bark loudly and run alongside for a few yards. The person then swerves and falls into the bushes and you prance away.

This is an affliction which affects dogs when their mom or dad want them in and they want to stay out. Symptoms include staring blankly at the person, then running in the opposite direction or lying down.

This is a signal that the world is coming to an end. Mom and dad remain amazingly calm during thunderstorms, so it is necessary to warn them of the danger by trembling uncontrollably, panting, rolling your eyes wildly and following their every move.

This is a dog toy filled with paper, envelopes and old candy wrappers. When you get bored, turn over the basket and strew the papers all over the house until your mom and dad come home.

Are to dogs like napkins are to people. After eating, it is polite to run up and down the front of the sofa and wipe your whiskers clean.

This is a process by which mom and dad drench the floor, walls and themselves. You can help by shaking vigorously and frequently.

Every good dog's response to the command "sit!" Especially if your mom and dad are dressed for an evening out. This is incredibly effective before black tie events.

The best way to get your mom and dad's attention when they are drinking a fresh cup of coffee or tea.

Goose bump:
A maneuver to use as a last resort when the regular bump doesn't get the attention you require. Especially effective when combined with the sniff. See above.

Is a feeling of intense affection, given freely and without restriction. The best way you can show your love is to wag your tail. If you're lucky, a human will love you in return.

~Thanks for sharing Denise!~


Overall I appear to be Left Brain Dominant

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (48%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (64%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain
Are You Right or Left Brained?
personality tests by similarminds.com

Music Meme

Note: If you plan on doing this meme, you really need to make your list of 10 artists NOW before checking out the other questions. It DOES make a difference!

List 10 artists you like. (Do this before reading the other questions):

1.Andrea Bocelli.
2.Ennio Morricone.
3.黎明Leon Lai.
4.陳奕迅Eason Chan.
5.張國榮Leslie Chueng.
6.張學友Jacky Chueng.
7.Barry Manilow.
8.Nat King Cole.
9.Bryan Adams.
10.恰克與飛鳥Chage and Aska

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?

What is your favorite album of 8?
Nat King Cole - The Greatest Hits

What is your favorite lyric that 5 has sung?

為妳鍾情 傾我至誠
請妳珍藏 這份情
然後百年 終妳一生

How many times have you seen 4 live?
None (yet!)

What's your favorite song of 7?
Barry Manilow-Weekend in New England.

What is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?
Watching "On Your Mark" mv for the first time in their concert.

Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?

What is your favorite lyric that 2 has sung?
Ennio Morricone-Love theme from Neuvo Cinema Paradiso.

What is your favorite song by 9?
Bryan Adams-We'll never have another tonight.

How did you get in to 3?
I just saw him on TV one night and decided to listen to his songs,hooked ever since!

What was the first song you heard by 1?
Andrea Bocelli-Time to Say Goodbye(Con Te Partiro)

What is your favorite song by 4?

How many time have you seen 9 live?

What is a good memory you have concerning 2?
One of my favorite movies of all time-Neuvo Cinema Paradiso.

Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
Nat King Cole -For All We Know

What is your favorite album of 5?
張國榮 寵愛Released 11/96

What is your favorite lyric that 3 has sung?

假使有力氣在陌路離開 不需顫抖
怕惡劣氣候 怕眼淚再流
都不怕為你 張開笑口
只需眼看著這段路曾經 緊握你手
這最大報酬 與最後理由

What is your favorite song of 1?
Andrea Bocelli-Resta Qui(Return to me)


Stephen Green-Armytage的鳥類世界


photo credits:Amazon.com



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英俊挺拔的Christopher Reeve和美得令人屏息的Jane Seymour,

與這部電影同樣著名的,是John Barry譜寫的原聲帶以及拍攝地點Grand Hotel,

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Official Somewhere In Time Website
Your Wedding at the Somewhere in Time Gazebo(結婚熱門景點-涼亭)
The Somewhere in Time fan cult