
香雞排(Step by Step食譜)

【材料】:雞胸肉2隻、蛋1個、地瓜粉1杯、太白粉3大匙、醬油半杯、酒2大匙、糖2 大匙、蒜泥1大匙、辣味粉1大匙、香蒜粉1小匙、五香粉1小匙、胡椒粉1小匙 【做法】: 1雞胸肉去皮切成兩半,從中間片開後,再用肉槌輕拍。 2把蒜切泥加入五香粉、酒、醬油、糖、辣味粉調勻。 再把雞排放入醃漬一個晚上再加入蛋黃、太白粉抓勻。 3再把地瓜粉、香蒜粉、五香粉拌成裹粉。 4將雞排沾上裹粉靜置反潮,放入160度的油鍋中炸至金黃色後撈起。 5再把油鍋加熱至180-190度的油溫後,再放入雞排回鍋炸至第二次即可完成「香雞 排」。


匿名 提到...

I think you must miss the flavor of fried chicken, right?
Have you tried to do it?
Hey! I wanna see your productions, If you done it, take a picture for us.OK?

匿名 提到...

I think you must miss the flavor of fried chicken, right?
Have you tried to do it?
Hey! I wanna see your productions, If you done it, take a picture for us.OK?

Chungirl 提到...

to tell the truth,I don't really miss the local food in Taiwan like I used to,I simply just forgot the taste therefore I don't crave for it,weird I know...