已經很久沒有跟大家update我們的寵物店恩怨了,希望大家還有還有興趣,.哈哈。現在這個攪屎棍是我的直屬上司,從day 1就很機車,她算是元老,從開店就在作.第一任老闆很看重她,有計畫升她做副店長,後來改朝換代,她也漸漸失寵,可是那臭架子還在,到現在都還是原來職位,算中階主管。她的毛病就是沒有彈性,沒有組織能力,沒有人際關係技巧,沒有common sense,我幫她收尾也收了整整六年。老闆大概是兩害取其輕,有總比沒有好,因為這個職位說真的很難做,.即使她並不勝任,也在擔心找不到更好人選的情況下讓他繼續可是最近她可能家裡狀況不好,她女兒21?已經生了四個小孩,她就是完全沒有病識感,都認為是老闆不會想,才不升她,甚至對另一位調過來的副店長很有敵意。她不知道她其實踩到地雷,因為那副店長可是另一家店的地下店長,呼風喚雨跟心機大戰是她的專長,所以上個禮拜她說的每一句壞話,都經由副店長一字不漏報告給正在芝加哥休假的老闆耳中。這瘋女人上禮拜完全失控,在客人之前大罵收銀員,更把我的兩個手下氣得要辭職,所以老闆傳話要我幫我手下擋,就是她有何抱怨,要先經過我,不要直接用很情緒化的表達方式來傷害他們,我當時的反應是--我的薪水不夠我兼差當其他經理的保母!然後最扯的就是,她即使排休,我也被接連而來的同事抱怨壓得喘不過氣,真的一進公司有咒怨的感覺,好幾次如果我那天有自己開車來,就會頭也不回的跳上車回家昨天老闆在跟每一個人談過之後,跟她談了一小時,經過幾次有聽到她大呼小叫,可是出來之後她像鬥敗的公雞,安靜了很久。我的同事也很明顯氣氛好了很多,竟然有笑意,反倒是我,到了快下班副店長特地問我怎麼好安靜,我大概是橡皮筋被拉得太緊太久吧,恢復不回來。這樣好痛苦喔,因為被虧待也是一種懷才不遇,我如果再受不了,也是會跟老闆說--你不讓她走,那我就走可悲的是這種事是到哪裡都有可能再度發生,所以我要跳槽也是會小心注意。哈,其實也是以錢多事少離家近為主,希望目前的壓力沒有造成太長久影響,就真的偷笑了。
Music Meme
Tagged by wanderlonely who gave me the letter "S" (Lovely letter by the way :-P)
Want to play? Comment and I'll choose a letter for you. You then find 5 songs that start with that letter and post them in your journal.
She - Elvis Costello
What can I say?This song made the opening of "Notting Hill" ,not Julia Roberts.
Sogno-Andrea Bocelli
My forever love Bocelli!he sang this song during encore in a New Jersey concert the year he lost his father,nobody in the audience left without tears in their eyes.absolutely beautiful.
Son Gli Ochi Tuoi (It's Your Eyes)--Marcelo Alvarez
My brother introduced their album to me few years back and I am hooked ever since,if you love tenors,you will LOVE this.
Somewhere in time theme-John Barry
High is going to be so jealous that I get to put this song on my list :-P
A truly classic.
Someone like you-Russell Watson and Maire Brennan
Beautiful duet,lovely voice and talent.
Bonus track(me cheats)
Somewhere only we know- Keane
Want to play? Comment and I'll choose a letter for you. You then find 5 songs that start with that letter and post them in your journal.
She - Elvis Costello
What can I say?This song made the opening of "Notting Hill" ,not Julia Roberts.
Sogno-Andrea Bocelli
My forever love Bocelli!he sang this song during encore in a New Jersey concert the year he lost his father,nobody in the audience left without tears in their eyes.absolutely beautiful.
Son Gli Ochi Tuoi (It's Your Eyes)--Marcelo Alvarez
My brother introduced their album to me few years back and I am hooked ever since,if you love tenors,you will LOVE this.
Somewhere in time theme-John Barry
High is going to be so jealous that I get to put this song on my list :-P
A truly classic.
Someone like you-Russell Watson and Maire Brennan
Beautiful duet,lovely voice and talent.
Bonus track(me cheats)
Somewhere only we know- Keane
When we girls drink too much…
I don't go out and drink much anymore but hehe this one is great!
We have absolutely no idea where our purse is.
We believe that dancing with our arms overhead and wiggling our butt while yelling “woo-hoo!” is truly the sexiest dance move ever.
In our last trip to pee, we realise that we now look nothing like the goddess we were just four hours ago.
We start crying and telling everyone we see that we love them soooooo much.
We get extremely excited and jump up and down every time a new song plays because “I loooooove this song!”
We’ve found a deeper/ spiritual side to the geek sitting next to us.
We’ve suddenly taken up smoking and become really good at it.
We think we are in bed, but our pillow feels strangely like the kitchen floor (or the mop?)
We fail to notice that the toilet lid’s down when we sit on it.
We take our shoes off because we believe it’s their fault that we’re having problems walking straight.
Thank you Jen for sharing (miss you homefry!)
We have absolutely no idea where our purse is.
We believe that dancing with our arms overhead and wiggling our butt while yelling “woo-hoo!” is truly the sexiest dance move ever.
In our last trip to pee, we realise that we now look nothing like the goddess we were just four hours ago.
We start crying and telling everyone we see that we love them soooooo much.
We get extremely excited and jump up and down every time a new song plays because “I loooooove this song!”
We’ve found a deeper/ spiritual side to the geek sitting next to us.
We’ve suddenly taken up smoking and become really good at it.
We think we are in bed, but our pillow feels strangely like the kitchen floor (or the mop?)
We fail to notice that the toilet lid’s down when we sit on it.
We take our shoes off because we believe it’s their fault that we’re having problems walking straight.
Thank you Jen for sharing (miss you homefry!)
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