Fantastic Four ~ It's clobberin' time!
Fantastic Four
這部我期待已久的暑假大片,吸引我的並不只是浩大的場面還有炫目的特效,而是裡面的演員都是我仰慕已久的「自己人」:Nip/Tuck的Julian McMahon、The Shield的Michael Chiklis、Cellular的Chris Evans還有甜姊兒Jessica Alba。也就因為如此我看得特別高興,其他負面的評價絲毫不為影響。原本福斯電影預計首映週末票房有3千萬就偷笑了,結果竟然衝破5千6百萬大關,更打破本年度票房連續19週的低潮,真是非常替他們開心喔!今天也看到一個很有趣的相關新聞:本片原來Susan Storm一角意屬Kate Bosworth或是Naomi Watts,Mr. Fantastic則是意屬George Clooney或是Brandon Frasier,問題是這些明星大概都不願意跟這部片有任何瓜葛吧!此外我也注意到影評對這部片已經到了骨頭裡挑雞蛋的境界,不但冒出「兩位來自澳洲/英國的男主角根本就是改變口音比賽」,還說「導演選角真頑皮」,真是搞不清楚是誰失焦。不過最狠的算是底下這位TV Guide的影評,自己嫌就算,連另一位給予佳評的影評也取笑一番,讓我想哭的才是你吧!
Monday, July 11, 2005
Fantastic Four
FOUR SCORE: How's this for irony: It took one of the worst movies in cinematic history to finally snap Hollywood's unprecedented 19-week box-office slump. That's right, Fantastic Four - which was deemed a fantastic flop by 75 percent of the nation's film critics, per RottenTomatoes.com - grossed $56 million over the weekend. That, coupled with a strong second-week performance from War of the Worlds, lifted overall receipts 2.25 percent over the same weekend in 2004. But don't be so quick to anoint Fantastic Four a hit. The audience for the film steadily declined from Friday to Sunday, a good indication that word of mouth was, well, less than fantastic.
IN RELATED NEWS...: Here's further proof that Today show film-critic Gene Shalit is getting a little gray in the mustache: The human Muppet thought Fantastic Four was - gulp - "brilliant." In one of the superhero flick's only rave reviews, Shalit gave Jessica Alba's rack Fantastic Four an A-plus. Even more troubling, he single-handedly set the pun movement back a decade by calling the film "Fantastic four everyone!" That's the kind of play on words that makes TVGuide.com columnists cry.
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